Bergen, Norway

Using Kubernetes to deploy Kubernetes - Presentation (25 min)

Scheduled: 15:55 - 16:20, Track 3

Managing cloud infrastructure has become increasingly complex as the number of services and components grows. In this session, we’ll explore how to streamline this process using Kubernetes itself to manage your infrastructure. We'll start by discussing the challenges of modern infrastructure management and the need for a framework that can handle it declaratively. Then, we’ll introduce Crossplane, a powerful tool that easily extends Kubernetes' capabilities to manage infrastructure alongside applications.

Language: English

Level: Intermediate

Alfred Tovsen Mo

Alfred Tovsen Mo

Platform Engineer @ Intility

Alfred is a Platform Engineer at Intility responsible for the Container Platform and Developer Infrastructure. He works daily with technologies such as Kubernetes, OpenShift, Azure, and Crossplane.

Intility Container Platform main goal is to help developers spend more time on development and less time on everything else.