Bergen, Norway

Paying Off 5 Years of Technical Debt, Cost Savings and Improving Application Insights in 9 Months - Presentation (25 min)

Scheduled: 16:20 - 16:45, Track 2

Working at a fast-growing scale-up with a bunch of AI/data engineers, things changes allot and often. Infrastructure and operational best practices haven’t been priority number one during this time, even though they have been using cloud native projects.

How do you get 50 developers to go from click ops and log based alerts to IAC and metrics/traces?

Language: English

Level: Beginner

Edvin Norling

Edvin Norling

Platform engineer

Cloud Native Nordics, Gothenburg organizer working with Kubernetes for the 5+ years, a grafana-operator maintainer and a big GitOps believer.