Argo CD on easymode. Introducing "Apps Repositories" - Presentation (45 min)
Scheduled: 09:45 - 10:30, Track 1
Modern organizations use modern principles like autonomous product teams. But has your organization built the tools needed to enable teams to be truly autonomous? In this talk we will be taking a closer look at Argo CD and sharing experiences from the platform team at Kartverket. We'll write an ApplicationSet together that enables team autonomy, and share how our apps repo architecture gives teams in Kartverket a pleasant and user-friendly experience with Argo CD.
Language: Norwegian
Level: Intermediate
Eline Henriksen
Platform Engineer at Telenor
Eline is a fullstack web developer that has worked in various roles from frontend- and backend engineering, devops and leadership positions. She recently started working at Telenor's platform team after having led the platform team at Kartverket as platform product owner and platform engineer. With over a decade of experience in the tech industry she brings an inquisitive nature, a wealth of knowledge and hands-on experience.