Modern observability for old monoliths - Presentation (25 min)
Scheduled: 11:15 - 11:40, Track 2
Matrikkelen is a twenty years old Java monolith, running millions of lines of code. It is designed to run on traditional, on-premise server infrastructure and is not in any way built for containerization and modern, Kubernetes-based application platforms. How can we be sure that it runs smoothly on our new platform?
Matrikkelen is part of Norway's property register, developed and provided by the Norwegian Mapping Authority (Kartverket). It supports important daily operations of municipalities, businesses and individuals. The goal was to lift the application without disruption or degradation of service to the users. We achieved our goal and migrated all the traffic over to the new platform during daytime, taking step by step and system by system over weeks.
This talk will deep dive into how we used the built-in features of the new application platform, Open Telemetry tooling and duct tape to monitor gradual traffic switching, debugging performance problems and our day-to-day operations on the new platform.
Language: English
Level: Intermediate

Ole Kristian Pedersen
Senior Consultant, Bekk
I'm a developer and cloud practice lead in Bekk. I'm interested in cloud, platforms and simplifying life in production for product teams 🚀