The Jankiest Disaster Recovery Ever: Duct Tape, Hope, and Resilience - Presentation (25 min)
Scheduled: 11:40 - 12:05, Track 2
Imagine your company has just transitioned to the cloud when suddenly, due to a Terms of Service conflict, your cloud provider shuts down your accounts. No warning, no cloud services, and a clear directive from management: no more cloud. What do you do? This talk is based on a true story, though certain details have been changed to maintain confidentiality. It's not about presenting a polished, textbook disaster recovery plan—because that went out the window the moment the cloud was off the table. Instead, this is a real-life, gritty case study of how to cobble together a functional environment from the remnants of old hardware and office machines lying around. We’ll dive into how a mix of creativity, open source technology, and sheer willpower kept a business running against all odds.
Language: English
Level: Beginner

Thomas Ornell
Cloud Platform Architect @ ABAX AS
Thomas Ornell is the go-to Cloud Architect at ABAX, leading the DevOps / Platform arena and sitting on the architecture council. He’s deeply involved with the company’s newest ventures, known for skilfully pushing Kubernetes beyond its usual limits. Thomas also shapes the system architecture for Fair Car Insurance and iSquared. While he often engages with cutting-edge tech, he approaches it with a healthy scepticism, aware that new solutions can bring complex challenges, and loves it.